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Naciye Alpay

Naciye Alpay is Kurdish from Turkey and has lived since her childhood in the Federal Republic of Germany. She is a social worker and has been working with migrants and refugees since 1996. Her focus is on traumatised people who have experienced violence, especially women.

Since the foundation of KARAWANE for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants in 1998, she has been active in the network. Since 2006 she has not only been following the work of the Initiative Oury Jalloh, but she has also accompanied and shaped the activities of the refugees and migrant community.

As part of the political work within the KARAWANE network and other migrant organisations, she advocates the self-empowerment of refugees and migrants in their daily struggle against deportation, isolation, camps, deprivation of rights and racism. At the same time, she has played a strong part in the development of the KARAWANE refugee women's movement. The international solidarity characterizes her work, above all in the resistance against wars and imperialist interventions.